US Labor History
- 1920
- President Warren Harding elected
- Trade Union Educational League founded
- Alabama Miners' Strike
- Clothing Workers' Lockout
- West Virginia Coal Wars begin, ten people killed in the Matewan
Massacre in a battle over the
- right to organize the southern West Virginia coalfields
- 1921
- Depression begins
- Supreme Court, in Duplex Printing Press v. Deering, rules that the
Clayton Act notwithstanding,
- federal courts could enjoin unions for actions in restraint of trade
- Congress restricts immigration to the United States and establishes
the national origin quota
- system
- Seamen's Strike
- West Virginia Coal Wars and Baldwin-Felts agents kill West Virginia
unionists Sid Hatfield an
- Ed Chambers on the steps of the McDowell County Courthouse
- Battle of Blair Mountain, 2000 US troops block miners' attempt to
organize in southern West
- Virginia
- 1922
- Conference for Progressive Political Action founded
- Anthracite Coal Strike
- Bituminous Coal Strike
- Herrin, Illinois, Massacre
- Railroad Shopmen's Strike
- 1924
- President Calvin Coolidge elected
- Samuel Gompers dies. William Green becomes president of the American
Federation of Labor
- 1925
- Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters founded
- Anthracite Coal Strike
- 1926
- Congress passes the Railway Labor Act, which requires that employers
bargain with unions and
- forbids discrimination against union members
- Passaic, New Jersey, Textile Strike
- 1927
- Nicolo Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Massachussetts labor activists
are executed
- Bituminous Coal Strike
- 1928
- President Herbert Hoover elected
- New Bedford, Massachusetts, Textile Strike
- Convict-labor system for coal mining is outlawed in Alabama
- 1929
- Stock market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression
- Trade Union Unity League founded
- Conference for Progressive Labor Action founded
- Gastonia, North Carolina, Textile Strike
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