US Labor History



Bethlehem Steel Strike
Cloakmakers' Strike
Chicago Clothing Workers' Strike, led by fiften year old Bessie Noramowitz
Los Angeles strike wave
Philadelphia General Strike
US Supreme Court, in Gompers v. Bucks Stove and Range Company, upholds an injunction
ordering the AFL to remove the company from its unfair list and cease a boycott.
Fire kills 146 workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City.
Illinois Central and Harriman Lines Rail Strike begins
Southern Lumber Operators' Lockout begins
President Woodrow Wilson elected
Massachusetts adopt the first minimum wage act for women and minors.
Chicago Newspaper Strike
Fur Workers' Strike
IWW Free-Speech Fight in San Diego, California
Lawrence, Massachusetts, Textile Strike, twenty thousand textile workers representing 26
different nationalities win the 60 day "Bread and Roses" strike
Louisiana Timber Workers' Strike begins
New York City Hotel Strike
Pain Creek and Cabin Creek, West Virginia, Mine Strikes
US Department of Labor established
Ludlow, Colorado, Massacre
Machinists Strike and Boycott
Michigan Copper Strike
Paterson, New Jersey, Textile Strike
Rubber Workers' Strike
Studebaker Motors Auto Workers' Strike
Wheatland, California, Hop Riot
Congress passes the Clayton Antitrust Act. Ostensibly limits the use of injuctions in labor
Amalgamated Clothing Workers founded
Fulton Bag and Cotton Mill Strike begins
Company gunmen attack a tent colony of striking UMWA families in Colorado and kill 19 men,
women, and children in the Ludlow Massacre
Congress passes the LaFollette Seamen's Act - regulates working conditions for seamen
Standard Oil Strike
Youngstown, Ohio, Steel Strike begins
Joe Hill , IWW union organizer, executed in Salt Lake City on trumped up murder charge
Congress passes Federal Child Labor Law - later declared unconstitutional
Congress passes the Adamson Act establishing the eight-hour day for railroad workers
Six killed and forty wounded in bombing of San Francisco preparedness parade - labor leaders
American Federation of Teachers founded
Arizona Copper Strike
Everett, Washington, Massacre
Minnesota Iron Range Strike
New York City Transit Strike
New York Cloakmakers' Strike
San Francisco Open Shop Campaign
Standard Oil Strike
United States enters World War I
Supreme Court, in Hitchman Coal and Coke v. Mitchell, upholds the legality of yellow-dog
Green Corn Rebellion in Oklahoma
Tom Mooney sentenced to death for role in San Francisco preparedness parade bombing in
Bisbee, Arizona, Miners' Strike
Butte, Montana, Miners' Strike
East St. Louis Race Riot
Pacific Northwest Lumber Strike
War Labor Board is created
World War I ends
First national conference of women trade unionists
Huge postwar strike wave sweeps across the nation
Communist Party of America founded
Red Scare begins
Actors' Strike
Boston Police Strike
Centralia, Washington, Massacre
Chicago Race Riot
New England Telephone Strike
Seattle General Strike
16,000 Silk Workers in Paterson, NJ strike for a shorter workweek
Steel Strike
Winnepeg General Strike in Canada
 1800  1950
 1900  1960
 1910  1970
 1920  1980
 1930  1990

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